Sabato 12 luglio a Parigi la Galerie Joseph ha ospitato “The Fifth Element” nuovo appuntamento con Laurel e la sua arte. Di nuovo rossa, vestita nell' oramai classico di ogni apertura, la Holloman ci racconta tramite le opere esposte, del quinto elemento, che a dir di Laurel viene rappresentato dopo aria, acqua, terra e fuoco, "all’interno delle emozioni di ogni pezzo”. Di seguito vi pubblico un interessante estratto dal blog di Giuseppina Biondo, cosmopolita ed appassionata d’arte e cinema, tutto incentrato sulla magica serata di Parigi.
[…7 Rue Froissart, Paris. This is the magic box, the “boîtes à musique”, the precious figurative art music box which preserves until July 20 the artworks of the American painter Laurel Holloman, as a treasure chest that, once opened, reproduces the sound of the artist’s talent.
In a not yet nocturnal Paris where the Tower has not been enlightened yet by the evening lights and the Seine is still lacking tourists who just arrived, on Saturday, July 12, 2014 the Galerie Joseph hosted the personal vernissage “The Fifth Element” beautifully introduced by the winemaker Isabelle Van Rolleghem.
In the European city of Impressionism, of Bizet and Hugo, of macaroons and gargoyles, the protagonist Laurel Holloman, as the undisputed attraction that is collecting visitors from all over the world, revealed her excitement in being a special guest.
The works, arranged in five rooms, are divided according to the elements of nature: water, air, earth, fire. “The mysterious Fifth Element”, as Holloman points out, “is represented within the emotions of each piece”. Could this be the abstract and tangible creativity? The fifth element seems to be the very Creation: first, as a fertile act of the mind, invisible yet existing, like the air; after, as a concrete work subject to other emotions and tangible like the remaining elements..…]
the Fifth Element – video
thr Fifth Element - photo
the Fifth Element - video doc
sabato 19 luglio 2014
The Fifth Element for Laurel
Posted by
Art gallery,
Laurel Holloman
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