Lightbox Effect

sabato 19 dicembre 2009

Buon compleanno Jennifer!


martedì 15 dicembre 2009

Qeen to play

C'è un film francese nella carriera di Jennifer Beals. Si tratta di "Joueuse" della registra Caroline Bottaro, dove una cameriera, interpretata da Sandrine Bonnaire resta intrigata da una scacchiera di proprietà di una coppia di americani, intepretati da Dominic Gould e appunto Jennifer Beals, ospite dell'albergo in cui lavora. Con l'aiuto di un medico, interpretato da Kevin Kline, che le farà da mentore, la donna imparerà a giocare a scacchi. Jennifer qui interpreta una piccola parte, ma significativa ai fini della storia, e per quello che ho potuto vedere dal trailer, oh my god, qui la Signora, è di una bellezza E-S-A-G-E-R-A-T-A.

domenica 13 dicembre 2009

Laurel work's - Auction for Maasai Atto IV

What Laurel Likes About Painting and Art: (fonte da
As I get older, and after having children, I feel that it's most important that I follow my passions more vigorously. It quells my own fear of immortality, which I felt more intensely after giving birth and adopting. Although commercial success at some level feels good, it doesn't necessarily motivate me in my work or my personal life. On a more visceral level, there's a feeling that comes with painting that I never quite feel with acting. A painting can stay with me for days or months and haunt me, kind of like an obsession. With acting, once you have a good take or a great scene, there's a high and then it's over, at least for me. Only a character can haunt me, especially now that I mostly work in television, it's more rare. The last time that happened was during The L Word season one finale Tony Goldwyn directed in which I lost myself in the scene. Or, in episode 211 directed by John Curran. He shot my stomach the day before I went into labor and my daughters feet were pressing against my skin. Those moments were haunting in a way I love.
Bene, Bette Porter aveva un'artista in casa e non lo sapeva...